“The Yamas and Niyamas” by Minnesota author Deborah Adele is an accessible and insightful read on the power of relating to ourselves and others with integrity. We practice yoga to be good humans, not to be good yogis. You might not be a yogi at all. You might be an accountant or a parent or a competitive hockey player. Yoga is skill in action, regardless of vocation.
This is a bi-weekly series that will meet virtually on Mondays from 7:30-8:15pm for 10 sessions. Our 45-minute small group conversations will reflect on approximately 15 pages of text every other week to consider how we might live our yoga off the mat.
FORMAT: This is a live stream workshop on Zoom. Online pre-registration is required. You will receive the Zoom link one hour prior to the start of the workshop. Please email any questions about your online account or the workshop to info@one-yoga.org.
PRICING: This workshop is priced on a sliding scale to support folks who would like to attend but may not have the financial means to do so. Choose an amount that feels right for you ($0-$75).
Led by Greg Hines
Bi-Weekly on Mondays, beginning January 16
Online only