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Our Instructors


Kai Adams
he/him, they/them

Gentle & Restorative

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Bryan Carpenter

Mysore Ashtanga


Anastasia Godin

Yin Yoga


Phoebe Krejci

Mysore Ashtanga


Zoe Libert




James Orione

Vinyasa, Restorative, & Yoga Nidra


Sofía Padilla

Gentle Flow
Yoga Para La Gente


Dallas Rising
she/her, they/them

Gentle Flow


Sofia Silva

Yoga Para La Gente

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Nichole Vesperman

Yoga for Sleep


Ben Vincent

Hatha & Meditation

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Chance York

Hatha & Yin

Julia Andrighetti

Rosemary Erb

Kari Haga

Greg Hines

My yoga journey began with resistance, deeply rooted in a sense of "not good enough" and convinced I lived in a defective body, forever destined to be betrayed by it. When I let that stuff go and finally allowed yoga in, it taught me to be compassionate with myself and others, trust myself, and connect to a body I used to see as defective. I believe yoga is for everyone and strive to create a truly inclusive space free of gender and body stereotypes. Let any concerns you may have about being strong enough, flexible enough, or anything else go, send them on their way. Just come to your mat exactly as you are and remember that it's yoga practice, not yoga perfect.

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Within the Mysore-style practice space relationship is paramount to fostering a balanced [and by extension a sustainable] approach toward the physical and mental aspects of a “practice." As an instructor, I strive to establish an environment of support, trust, and open communication. I facilitate the individual’s path of growth which these rich traditions hold and impart to all who seek their limitless knowledge. It is a journey aided by the wisdom imparted by those who practice(d).

Anastasia fell in love with the practice of yoga many moons ago. She has experienced and witnessed its profound impact for healing and peace. She teaches breath-centric asana classes that blend strength and stretching, effort and ease, power and contentment. Her passion for continued education has taken me in many directions including Reiki and Ayurveda. To consider the whole individual, she crafts my asana classes with Ayurvedic principles in mind. She is overjoyed to share it with others and looks forward to practicing with you!

Phoebe has been studying and practicing yoga since late childhood and has maintained a regular practice throughout adulthood. Her primary methodology for teaching and practice is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Phoebe received her 200 teaching certification in 2014. Additional trainings have included Ashtanga vinyasa specific training through the Ashtanga Yoga Center in Encinitas, CA directed by Tim Miller, Yin teaching certification (Yoga Center), Trauma-Informed Yoga Training, Pranayama training, Iyengar training + Philosophy, and continuing studies through the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies. Phoebe’s studies of the Ashtanga method continue with Steven Dwelley (Santa Barbara, CA) and Dena Kingsberg (Byron Bay Australia).

Yoga found Zoe years ago at the beginning of her sobriety journey. Through replacing old habits with new, she began down the road of self-discovery and personal growth that has continued well into today. Zoe completed her 200-hour training in 2024 at Devanadi Yoga. Forever a student of yoga and life, she loves learning new things and weaving them into her classes. She embraces curiosity, intuitive movement, mindful breathing, and turning inwards while strengthening the mind to body connection. Whether you want to challenge yourself to learn arm balances or find five minutes of inner peace, she is excited to share space with you!

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Regardless of who you are, what you look like, or whom you love, creating a space for everybody is very important.  Society places many expectations and roles as to how, what, when, where, and why you are doing something instead of simply being. Through conscious movement connected to breath, you have an opportunity to learn how to be in this moment. Yoga is an opportunity to create, rediscover, and connect to the experience of being human and overcome the obstacles that stand in your path. I invite you to join me.




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Sofía Padilla started her yoga practice in 2005 as a complementary training for her theater training. In 2012 she completed her 200-hour teacher training with Brigitte Longueville and David McAmmond at Solstice Yoga Center in Oaxaca, Mexico. She has worked with Solstice Yoga Center since 2011 as PR and Restorative Yoga teacher, teaching daily drop-in classes, retreats, and teacher trainings in their center in Oaxaca, Mexico. In June 2018 Sofía opened her own yoga studio in Mexico City: Anitya Yoga. After a great success, it closed due to the Covid pandemic in July 2020. Currently Sofía teaches classes in English and/or Spanish for Solstice Yoga Center online, as well as teaching private yoga lessons around the world.

Dallas (she/they) practices a responsive teaching method, which means she teaches to the needs of the people in the space to the best of her ability. They strive for inclusive, affirming language, offering options for poses and level of participation, and spaces that support ease of access and dignity for all. Our body and our relationship to it changes throughout our lives (and day-to-day), and Dallas sees yoga as an excellent practice to help you learn how to listen to and respond to yours with skill and confidence. They also offer regular embodied practices to support grieving bodies and is currently working toward ordination as an interfaith, interspecies animal chaplain.

Sofia’s experience in the United States has been centered around working with both individuals and groups focusing on body mindfulness and stress management. She is passionate about working with the Latinx community and providing supportive tools that promote positive and holistic wellness. Sofia specializes and is certified in SomaYoga, a somatics-based yoga that uses neuromuscular retraining to re-pattern stress responses in the body. She is a certified psychologist in her home country of Chile.

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Yoga is a gift in connecting - connecting to our breath and connecting to our inner awareness. Community classes also give us the opportunity to connect to the people around us. Yoga invites us to show up and check-in with our internal experience. My teaching goal is to support people in connecting to a place of steadiness and comfort in their yoga practice. I hope to share the experience of this connection in my classes.




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My teaching is a reflection of my life - I support students in awakening the full potential of body, mind and heart in service of Self-Realization. I aspire to transmit the timeless teachings of yoga authentically and accessibly. I specialize in in-depth study, practice and personalized/ therapeutic applications of yoga.

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Minneapolis-born, I am a yoga and meditation instructor with a rapidly expanding resumé. My mastery of language-arts provides accurate, relatable, and informed guidance for beginners and advanced practitioners. With transcendent descriptions my classes blend ancient wisdom and contemporary science that not only explain how to practice but also the many reasons why.




Tamiko French

April Fuller

LuLu Song

Guest Instructors


2637 27th Ave S, Ste 207

Minneapolis, MN 55406


(612) 872-6347

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